Archive for May 2010

VIVA PALESTINA MALAYSIA Charity Bazaar at Bangsar Shopping Centre- this Weekend

posted by Khairunnisa on


If you just want to spread it with the poster, please do it with LINK & full credit - thanks

Assalamualaikum wbt & Peace Greeting, 

On behalf of Prof Dr Zahurin Mohamed (Head, Dept of Pharmacology. Fac of Medicine, UM & executive member of VIVA PALESTINA MALAYSIA), we are pleased to inform you that VIVA PALESTINA MALAYSIA ( & ) is organising  Charity Bazaar at Bangsar Shopping Centre this weekend, insya-allah (God-Willing).

Ongoing Activities on Sat 8th May and Sun 9th May at 10am-5pm

Sale of branded  (used) clothes, handbags, shoes, household items, potted plants,  
books, paintings

Sale of Food and Drinks to enjoy at the venue or to pack ( nasi dagang, nasi turkey, nasi minyak, burgers, noodles, cakes, pastries from Strudel, quiches, 
chicken biryani, kuih melayu )

Sale of crystal jewellery, pearls, abayas
Henna Tatooing

On-going Activities for the Young and Young-At-Heart on Sat 8th May and Sun 
9th May at 10am-5pm

Drawing and Colouring Competition
Book Reading Corner

Saturday 8th May12 noon to 1pm

Performance by Rap Group Rebel Scum
Poetry Recitation by Faisal Tehrani
Palestinian Cultural Dance Performance

Sunday 9th May 12 Noon to 1pm

Performance by Wayfarers
Palestinian Cultural Dance
Performance by Shinji - Japanese Rap artist

We appreciated your kind attention.

Thank you very much & have a good day! 

Credit to : mohdnuruddin @unimalaya & Khairunnisa (me)

P/S : Therefore, to those who are interested, attached is the event poster and event tentative as stated above.

Remind again : If you just want to spread it with the poster, please do it with LINK & full credit - thanks

Happy World Asthma Day

posted by Khairunnisa on , ,

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Asma merupakan sejenis penyakit kronik melibatkan saluran pernafasan yang boleh dihidapi oleh kanak-kanak mahupun orang dewasa.

Semasa serangan asma berlaku, saluran udara mengalami beberapa perubahan, termasuklah bronkospasma (otot licin dari dinding bronkus mengalami kekejangan/spasma), pnghasilan mukus berlebihan dan; keradangan atau inflamasi. Proses ini memburukkan lagi penyempitan saluran udara.

Penghidap asma akan berasa seperti tercekik. Mereka termengah-mengah untuk menyedut udara, tetapi apabila udara telah masuki ke paru-paru, udara ini akan terperangkap di sebalik mukus/lendir dan amat sukar untuk dihembus keluar.

Serangan asma boleh berlanjutan dari beberapa minit hingga ke beberapa jam bergantung kepada keterukan penyakit yang dihidapi

Lapan peratus daripada kanak-kanak di negara ini yang berusia di antara 6-7 tahun menghidapi asma manakala di kalangan kanak-kanak 13-14 tahun, 10 peratus. Di kalangan dewasa pula, kekerapannya adalah sebanyak empat peratus.

‘‘Penyebab sebenar asma masih menjadi misteri. Di dalam kajian membabitkan kembar, faktor genetik menyumbang sebanyak 75 peratus perkembangan asma peringkat kanak-kanak.

‘‘Satu kajian di Jerman yang mengikuti kanak-kanak selama tujuh tahun menunjukkan, hama rumah dan alahan kucing di atas permaidani menyebabkan pembentukan asma selain alergen dari lipas,’’ kata Dr. Norzila

Lain-lain faktor pencetus serangan asma termasuklah asap rokok, perubahan cuaca yang sejuk, jangkitan kuman, ubat seperti aspirin, bahan perasa atau pewarna makanan.

Kanak-kanak yang menghidap asma yang mana ayah atau ibunya merokok mengalami lebih tanda-tanda asma dan lebih kerap mengalami serangan asma akut.

Credit to : Harizamrry

Hari Asma Sedunia adalah upacara tahunan yang dianjurkan oleh Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) untuk menyedarkan masyarakat seluruh dunia tentang bahaya Asma dan menunjukkan keprihatinan mereka di seluruh dunia. Hari Asma Dunia berlangsung pada setiap hari Selasa pertama bulan Mei dan hari Selasa pertama bulan Mei 2010 jatuh pada 4 Mei.

Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) dengan kerjasama dengan mereka yang profesional dalam penjagaan kesihatan dan pegawai kesihatan awam di seluruh dunia bagi menurunkan peratus penghidap penyakit asma, kesakitan, dan kematian.

Keratan dari ALTIUS DIRECTORY yang anda perlu terjemah sendiri ;)

There are a lot of action ideas that can be pursued by the folks on the World Asthma Day. One can generate an announcement on radio or television stressing upon World Asthma Day, clearing up the sense and connotation of asthma check.

One may suggest the schemes to perk up asthma check. He may also arrange discussions concerning the chief concerns touching and increasing asthma for instance pollution, smoking, other socio-economic reasons like lack of access to asthma care and medicines in junior class majority. World Asthma Day can be observed on following manner as well.

    * Calculate the weight of asthma in the district and describe a plan of care.

    * Take steps as suitable for the area, depending on resources and awareness.

    * Set up a replica asthma care center or unit to assist those with asthma recognize that their state is well controllable and not a permanent illness. This may perhaps be an Asthma-Friendly School or an Asthma-Friendly Club.

    * Value the local confidence and attitude about asthma as they are not propagated in a day. If attitudes are imprecise, make adjustments slowly

    * Organize practical conferences like Asthma First Aid, in schools or new suitable community place on World Asthma Day.

Soalan: U.S sambut Hari IBU pada 9 Mei, U.K pula sambut 14 Mac, Malaysia sambut bila??


- Dg Siti Khairunnisa bt Ismail Lamo
- Universiti Malaya, KL, Malaysia


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